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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Visiting Catherine's Stomping Grounds

Last week my cousin Sue and I visited Marshall County, South Dakota.  We spent a few days in a rented cabin on Roy Lake.  Mainly we hung out, made jewelry, did some scrapbooking.  We also visited the local courthouse and found some family history records that were interesting, including the record of Catherine's father selling land to her husband for them to farm.  We also visited our second cousin Marie who is Catherine's granddaughter through her daughter Nelly.  Marie shared some great pictures that we had not seen yet and we have had fun with them on facebook with the rest of the family.  I also visited my son Dave and spent time at my favorite rock/bead shop--Burnie's Rock Shop in Madison, WI

This is a picture we received from Marie of Catherine with my mom.  I am guessing my mom was in her 20's.

Marie and her husban Alvin

Me, Sue and my travelling companion dog Jasmine in front of our cabin

In all, it was a a healing week for both of us.  I am so blessed to have Sue in my life.  Pictures of the jewelry that came from that week in future posts!

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