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Thursday, July 28, 2011

July Art Bead Scene Submission

I had a lot of fun putting this piece together.  It is one of my submissions for the Art Bead Scene July monthly challenge.  Here is the link describing the challenge:

I love flowers and gardens.  It may in part come from my Great-Grandmother Catherine, the person my company is named after.  She was a homesteader in South Dakota with her husband.  She was known for her flower garden.  For the necklace, I looked closely at the picture for inspiration and tried to use a lot of the same colors in the same areas.  I also looked through my art bead collection and pulled out the ones I felt went with the theme.  The centerpiece of the necklace is the flower bead bead made by Molly Cooley of Wind Swept Tree Glass Art.  She also made the light blue bead with pink flowers and the three blue beads with unusual shapes to the left.  I love her work, especially the beads that have a whole scene in them like my centerpiece here. 

When I make my submissions for abs I really feel free to put things together by feeling and whim.  They have more of me in them then my usual creations.